9.29.07 GTM & I

I feel that God did bring us together. I feel that at some point in our lives we both will be able to understand why. God had big plans for our lives. So big in fact that the two of us together would be a powerful force to be reckoned with. Now the enemy has been hitting us individually for a while in hopes to divert Gods will. Their efforts sought an increase when we stumbled upon each other. They knew what God had for us together and couldn't stand to see it come to pass.
Before I got together with you, I was back toward the path that God was leading me on. But I wasn't quite there, I know now just looking back at how easily I was swayed to do things, feel ways, and be a way that I am not (not on my worse day) in our relationship. I'm sure that the same can be said about you. I had so many weakness' i was carrying around that the enemy had a field day with me.
I hope God has been able to make the correction in your life that was needed to get back on path as he has mine. Its funny how now I can truly just let things go and feel so good about it. How i could be so low in everyone elses eyes and yet I'm cheerfully looking towards tomorrow. I'm still careless but in a different since. Ive place all my cares and worries to the Lord leaving me Care-Less!
Peace & Blessings