11.22.07 Integrity

Do I have Integrity? Sure I do, we all do. If your Honest, Saved, and Sinless then of course you do... right? Now first of all if anyone answered yes we're gonna need to hit the remedial class! Honestly, no one posses all three things, God knows that many will fall short of his glory. Now I recently heard a word on Integrity. It made me think about my current circle and past acquaintances. Examining the course of those relationships and whether we demonstrated integrity. Now right off the bat I could just say that all of my failed friendships and relationship lacked integrity on the other end. But maybe, just maybe that person had an abundance of Integrity and I was afraid to be held to their standards? Yeah never considered myself lacking Integrity. I hold everyone to a higher standard, but I guess I came with more of a take me as I am attitude. Now how fair is that? Its not and I can see that now.

-Me 11.22