10.05.07 Callings

How am i supposed to know if i have a true calling from the Lord? I mean okay you would say "If you prayed to be perfected and guided to his perfect will for you and he answers then there you go. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out". Well call it fear to jump the gun or whatever but I feel that there really is a calling on my heart.
Now next question what do i do? Who do I tell? I don't really have counsel that knows me as a person (at least adult me) so I do what? Well that's not all true. I have my Aunt & Uncle but i really don't want to make a big deal of it. Okay so why do I think I have something special for me that was revealed?
- Well I had a "Vision?" of a ministry, a few facts about it were given and I recorded them for later.
- In quiet moments "with this so called 'ADD' mind of mine there rarely is one of those" at work, driving, or even in the shower I get a word. Sometimes there words or phrases. Others its full blown sermons with "fire & brimstone" delivery and everything. Now I know that its not of me because words and phrases id thought would never come out of my mouth in that context are there.
-"D-I-S-C-E-R-N-M-E-N-T" the word, has been on me for weeks, months. The more I study it (which i figured out was what i was supposed to do) the larger and louder it seems to be.
I don't know....Just some thoughts

Peace & Blessings