1.10.08 Love

I remember praying for the lord to send me someome to love. Someone who'll love me for me. Just wanting to not experience heartache just one time...then while listening to the radio Musiq's love came on. I began singing it and substituting love for lord sporadicly throughout the song. Then it dawned on me...the lord is that love. He was what and who I needed. He's the one I should be making dates with. He's the one I should be going to bed with and waking up to. His name is the one I should be calling out in my sleep. He should be the one consuming my thoughts day and night. His love should be the one that makes my heart skip a beat.

Without his love I'm not capable to love others. His unconditional love instructs me on how to give and receive unconditional love. If you don't have or have never expirenced God's love, you don't know what true love really is...
