01.02.08 No Ones Tomorrow is Promised

You know what one of my favorite songs was growing up, The Winans "Tomorrow". Not only because one of the few folks in the church with a voice sang it but because I really believed it. Living in the flesh you take for granted that there will always be a tomorrow. Even with peers dropping left and right, falling to the enemies attacks I still said tomorrow. But, tomorrow truly is not promised its not a scare tactic used to win souls it the truth.

Its difficult to think that you don't have next year, month, or week to yourself. That the next five minutes are borrowed time on your behalf. Its up to us to make the best out of the love offering of time given to us by our King. If at anytime you wake up and feel like you're not meant for this life or wonder why he kept you...know that there is a greater purpose meant for you and your life. He's kept you around because he plans on using you for the most awesome things UN-imaginable!

Best way to look at it is this way, the sooner that you say "Yes, Lord I'm here. Use me..." the sooner his vision will be fulfilled. That means for you the sooner your prosperity and blessings will come down. If you don't believe me then look back at your life thus far. Walking alone and making your own decisions, does your prosperity out weight your trials? I didn't think so...

-Me 01.02.08