1.28.09 He Expects the Best

So while I was talking to a friend about some issues I’m dealing with in the flesh she tries to reassure me that even if I fail that God understands by quoting the verse on all have sinned and fallen short of his glory. That if any transgression transpired it would be merely an accident. Well I beg to differ.

Why is it acceptable to see the bar so low? Its okay to aim to fail? Why because its flesh and we’re human God expects that of us? No God expects what any parent expects of their child, the best and nothing less! Yes they still love you and forgive you if you don’t make the mark but they expect you to reach for the stars! My Daddy goes a step farther than that, he expects us to reach for the heavens…But knows that not all of his children will make it. That is why he said what he said.

No matter how unachievable it seems to you, reach for the heavens. Your Daddy expects the BEST!

1.28.09- Me